''I wasn't looking forward to the first session, I didn't see the point. Now I actually regret that the sessions are done. My life has changed. I feel calmer, I can concentrate better, I like it at school, I can deal with those brooding thoughts differently now."
"I didn't manage to study. I couldn't manage to memorize the math formulas. I was afraid of not passing the exam. Now I am less guided by those fear thoughts. I have more self-confidence. I feel better about myself. I also recently started taking care of the plants at home."
This 8-week training combines simple mindfulness meditation techniques and scientific psychological insights on managing stress, negative emotions, brooding thoughts and health issues.
Mindfulness means being present and attentive to what is going on in the present moment, in a non-judgmental, non-reactive way. In various attention and movement exercises (including hatha yoga) and self-observation, you learn to stay in balance internally, to be milder and more caring towards yourself and to be generally more conscious in life.
Scientific studies of this mindfulness-based intervention confirm a beneficial effect on quality of life and well-being in complaints such as stress, anxiety, brooding, gloomy thoughts, sleep problems, chronic fatigue and pain, among others. These results were also confirmed during times of COVID-19. The current climate and war crisis and the uncertain future are also themes covered in the course.
The training consists of 8 group sessions (max 12 people) of 2h and either online or face to face. This course is based on Jon Kabat-Zinn's original protocol. During the sessions, meditation exercises are taught and education is given on mindful handling of physical, emotional and mental experiences. It is not a theoretical course, therapy or discussion group, but a practical training that focuses on practice.
- Skills to better manage the effects of stress and improve quality of life
- Cultivate an attitude of gentle open attention toward themselves and all that presents itself
- Learn to be more aware of their experience in the moment, both pleasant and difficult aspects, without getting caught up in negative emotional reactions and brooding
Pen and paper. Sometimes you will be asked to provide a yoga mat as well - your trainer will inform you about this. It is essential that you also take time to practice daily at home using an exercise folder and audio files.
Marisa Hoslet is a clinical psychologist and certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction trainer at the Center for Mindfulness, USA. Marisa was a high school teacher and student counselor. She has been teaching MBSR courses to various audiences for many years. She also has experience in health care. She is a founder of the Center for Mindul Living and the center's multidisciplinary practice. (www.centrumvoormindfulleven.be). She is a member of the BRUCC team. Marisa has also been a basketball athlete.
No training scheduled.
€340 all in (intake, syllabus, recordings). Possibly there is an intervention of your health insurance. Staff members of the VUB (and their family members) can get an intervention from Van Breda. For more information about interventions click here