Training prevention advisor non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in schools
In this two-day training, school coordinators/CLB staff learn to draw up a school protocol for NSSI (aligned with a suicide school protocol), and a prevention policy tailored to the school. You will be trained in communication techniques to engage in conversation with students who self-injure, inform parents after discovering self-injury at school, and inform/support concerned professionals/school staff. You will gain tools for risk assessment, and all the necessary knowledge for referral and follow-up. In addition, this training will help you counteract (and prevent) any epidemic at school. Registration and more info via BRUCC.

Research report on non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in elementary schools
Click here to read the latest research findings regarding non-suicidal self-injury in elementary schools.

Prevention kit 'Non-suicidal self-injury in schools'
In recent years, schools have become increasingly concerned about non-suicidal self-injury within the school context. However, we note that schools often lack guidance on how to deal with these behaviors. They are given various and sometimes contradictory tools to respond to this behavior. However, an appropriate response upon the discovery of self-injury is crucial and schools are the place to be for the prevention and follow-up of youth who self-injure.
Therefore, based on years of clinical expertise and research, we created a prevention kit 'Self-injury in Schools'. This kit aims to provide schools with both a theoretical framework and some practical guidelines.
The package includes a paper that provides guidance on how to create a school protocol. A theoretical background is given first, followed by further discussion on how to approach self-injury within a school context. In addition, there is a documentary in which people with lived experiences talk about self-injury. What was helpful, what did they learn and how do they think about self-injury prevention are some of the topics discussed. The documentary also includes an elaborated lesson. Self-injury is discussed in an approachable way. The goal of this lesson is to break the taboo around self-injury, encourage young people who self-injure to seek the necessary help, and promote self-care. In addition, we also provide support for the (care) teacher to bring these issues to the classroom. Finally, the prevention kit also provides brochures for parents and/or adolescents facing self-injury.
The prevention kit 'Non-suicidal Self-injury in Schools' is a handy tool to talk about self-injury in the classroom in an approachable way. It provides a practical guide for both professionals and school workers and offers a practical supplement to the book "Zie me niet. Omgaan met zelfverwondend gedrag, thuis en op school". The cost of the kit is 85 euros and can be ordered online (exclusively in Dutch) through this link.