Johan Vanderfaeillie
Prof. Dr. Johan Vanderfaeillie's research focuses on support to and wellbeing of unaccompanied minors. He works at the VUB Department of Clinical & Life Span Psychology, Faculty of Psychology & Educational Sciences.
- Master in Educational Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (1989)
- PhD in Eductional Sciences. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2004)
- Inleiding in de orthopedagogiek [Introduction to Orthopedagogics]
- Opvoeding & opvoedingsproblemen [Education & Educational Problems]
- Handelend diagnosticeren [Action-Oriented Assessment]
- Fysieke beperkingen & zieke kinderen [Physical Impairments & Ill Children)
- Gevalstudies orthopedagogiek [Case Studies in Orthopedagogics]
- Orthopedagogische stage [Orthopedagogic Apprenticeship]
- Gedetailleerde beschrijving van elk opleidingsonderdeel [Detailed description of contents and requirements of each course]
Research & PhD Students
Research Domains
Youth care with a particular interest in family foster care (http://www.pleegzorgonderzoekvlaanderen.be/index.html) The parenting & education of children with somatic complaints See also here.
PhD Students
- Skrållan De Maeyer
- Femke Vanschoonlandt
- Tim Stroobants
- Ramona Simut
- Marijke Robberechts
Core Publications
Vanderfaeillie, J., Van Holen, F., & Coussens, S. (2008). Why do foster care placements break down? An study into the factors influencing foster care placement breadown in Flanders. International Journal of Child and Family Welfare, 11, 77-88.
Vanderfaeillie, J., Dick, H., Willems, D., Lampo, A., & Vandeplas, Y. (2008). Somatic symptoms in children: Perception and recognition by the parents. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 64, 678.
Click here for a complete list of publications & presentations.
- Teamlid van het Referentiecentrum Autisme van het UZBrussel
- Teamlid van het Referentiecentrum Chronisch Vermoeidheidssyndroom van het UZBrussel
Organisatie informatie
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene